Sussex University

878 days ago

All hail Lia Thomas! She is a record breaker, Roy Castle would be proud of her...

Gosh she is amazing. In a recent competition this 22 year old swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania managed a time of 4 minutes and 35 seconds putting her 12 seconds ahead of the next competitor and racking up the third fastest time in US college history. And until recently Lia was a nobody swimming in her college second team. Just how incredible is that? And Lia managed this without any performance enhancing drugs. Amazing.


2388 days ago

My students built Lego sculptures said the queer feminist Sussex University lecturer

I remember at university studying Keynes (bad) , Hayek (good), Descartes (boring), Mill (brilliant), etc. Today students at, what I thought was a good university, Sussex, make models with lego. So boasts lecturer Alison Phipps as you can see below.


2714 days ago

Mariana Mazzucato - Sussex University Economics Prof & BBCQT panelist - she is utterly bonkers

Post Trump the BBC tries hard to show it is balanced by having an American on the Question Time panel. Naturally it always chooses a nutso liberal democrat so that he or she can join the other panelists and hand-picked audience of Guardian readers in saying that the victory of Trump reminds them all of Adolf Hitler and is awful. Heaven forbid that Question Time might actually invite on an enthusiastic Trump supporter to represent the 59 million. So this week's token yank was Mariana Mazzucato who actually teaches over here at Sussex University. God only help her students.
